Kroger Pharmacy Hours
The operating hours of Kroger Pharmacy may vary from one store to another, although they are based on the same concept in most of the cases.
What Time Does Kroger Pharmacy Open?
Related: Family Dollar hours for Christmas Eve
To find out when stores open and close, you should look through the timetable below:
MONDAY | 9 AM – 9 PM |
TUESDAY | 9 AM – 9 PM |
THURSDAY | 9 AM – 9 PM |
FRIDAY | 9 AM – 9 PM |
SATURDAY | 9 AM – 7 PM |
SUNDAY | 11 AM – 7 PM |
What Time Does Kroger Pharmacy Close?
The stores mainly close at 9 pm from Monday to Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday, they close at 7 pm.
Just remember, there are some possible differences in times when they close which depend on the location and the particular Kroger Pharmacy store.
Some stores don’t close at the standard time staying open until 10 pm during the working week (until 6 pm or 7 pm on Saturday).
To know for sure, use the Kroger Pharmacy locator, which gives you an opportunity to identify the stores in your region. Except for the open & close hours, you can also check the addresses and phone numbers of the related Kroger Pharmacy stores.